
Arielsela is a multi-faceted artist, public health advocate, and MFA student.

Arielsela and I first crossed paths in high school, with our friendship officially blossoming when we co-led Kairos, our senior retreat. Fast forward several months, it grew additional blossoms when she accompanied me to my first BSU meeting in college. Fast forward a couple of years? We had become core friends, and our friendship has continued to grow and develop ever since. As a fellow poet, we have performed at open mics together, and frequently share written works as we discuss the beauty within the art.

I was ecstatic to have Arielsela on the pod so that we could talk about all of the different phases and variations of Arielsela the person and the artist. She has learned to embrace multiplicity as she builds out her unique life pathway. This has led her on many journeys filled with discovery of self and the world as she grows more and more comfortable with expressing her unique self. Throughout the episode we revisit her stories modeling, performing, and working toward a better future of public health, so there is a little something for everybody!



Brittany & Evan


Andre 1k