
Precious is a full-time student, artist, seamstress, and Youtuber from San Diego.

I had the pleasure of meeting Precious during her first year at UC Zoom Diego. I interviewed her for a position at my job, and eventually got to co-supervise her. We frequently had conversations about her passions as it relates to fashion and business, movies that she hasn’t seen, and whatever else the day may bring. She is also someone who consistently supported the podcast since its inception, so it was an honor to be able to feature her story.

Obviously throughout the pandemic, we all faced our challenges, but I can’t imagine what it would be like to start college at your dinner table on a laptop. Pull up a seat and join our conversation about navigating college in 2020, correct dishwasher usage, and building out her artistic endeavors.

Instagram | The Precious Pavilion


Lew Salem

